Founded in 1919 by brothers Charles M. and William O., Sheppard’s is one of the oldest family owned businesses in the Hood River area, currently in its fourth generation of ownership.

Farmers themselves in the Odell area, the brothers began by offering packing house equipment and apple graders to local farmers but quickly expanded into the farm machinery business to serve a growing local industry in the early 1920’s. Soon after its founding, C.M. and W.O. moved the business from Odell into downtown Hood River where it remained for 92 years.

Evolving Product Lines

John Deere products were added in 1932 and quickly became the focus of Sheppard’s farm machinery business. Kubota tractors followed in 1972 making Sheppards one of the first Kubota dealers in the nation.

While focusing mainly on the agriculture industry, the company has also dealt in non-farm machinery. The additions of Studebaker and Toyota in 1939 and 1959 respectively were two forays into the automotive industry that were both dropped later to focus on farm machinery.

Numerous other brands have come and gone over the years due to changing demands and technology. The recent additions of Stihl, Honda and Kubota Construction Equipment is a continuation of Sheppard’s efforts to always provide products suited to the needs of local farmers and home owners.


In early spring of 2017, Sheppards completed construction on its brand-new 20,000 square-foot headquarters. With a large portion of the square footage going to the shop, Sheppards is now able to provide expanded assembly and repair services onsite. Product delivery has also been expedited due to the larger and far more convenient loading docks.

Although the 102-year old brand occupies a brand-new space, the heritage of the Sheppard's brand is not lost. Vintage advertisements from the early years dawn the wood-clad walls, antique tractors occupy the showroom floor and giant, corrugated metal doors create a rustic passage from the retail floor to the shop.